Saint Belford's Alex Phillips: My self-care strategies for the festive season
Image Alev Takil // Unsplash
Even at the best of times, the festive season can be tough. Add 2020 into the mix and staying calm amid the chaos seems even more tricky. We asked Alex Phillips founder of Saint Belford how she’s planning to keep her cool this silly season. “Listen to your body - it knows what it needs and when it needs it,” says Alex. “Give yourself permission to rest and recharge, so that you can soak up all the magical moments and begin 2021 feeling REFRESHED.”
Earlier this year, I learned that the fatigue I was experiencing was primarily caused by outrageously low levels of Vitamin D. Whoops! Now I’m making a point to stepping outside, stretching my legs and taking a few deep conscious breaths of fresh air.
Instead of waiting for a headache or general fatigue to remind me to hydrate, I keep a 1 litre bottle at your desk and set an alarm on my phone. I’ve also been known to write HYDRATE on a post-it note and stick it my your laptop or desk.
Making rest a priority is essential. According to Matthew Walker, Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and Founder and Director of the Center for Human Sleep Science), sleep is the single greatest, most natural “performance enhancing drug”. It’s also often overlooked! Seven to nine hours is the recommended amount. Figure out when you need to be in bed each day to get your daily dose.
I have to remind myself often that saying “no” is a valid option. Having the courage to pass on things that aren’t going to serve, whether it’s a big, boozy night out or taking on more projects, at work is key. It’s only when you begin respecting your time that others will follow suit.
Planning my week in advance gives me the opportunity to prioritise what’s important. Instead of trying to “find” time for your personal commitments, I block out time for your intentions, whether that’s organising Christmas presents or cleaning the garage. Mark out what you need to achieve at the start of each week in your diary so you don’t get overwhelmed by long to-do lists.
When I feel my cortisol levels rising, I try to take a moment to identify the expectation and let it go. Acknowledging when anger is the result of an unmet expectation can help from getting stuck in frustration. We can only release that anger if we accept the present moment for what it is and realise that plenty of things lie outside our control.