What Saturn in Aquarius means for you


Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee

Photo by Mike Von // Unsplash

Photo by Mike Von // Unsplash


Saturn leaves Capricorn, where it has been since December 2017 (apart from a brief break between March and July, 2020) and moves into Aquarius where it will stay until March 2023.

This is the first of two huge shifts this week. It’s great news if you have Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn rising as you’ve felt the intensity of Saturn in Capricorn more than other signs over the past three years. Ditto if you were born between February 1988 and February 1991 – you survived your first Saturn return!

So what does Saturn in Aquarius mean? Saturn in Aquarius is about doing things differently. Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This is the essence of Saturn in Aquarius in 13 words.

Wherever Saturn goes, we are invited to get serious and grow up. Saturn wants us to take responsibility and establish a solid framework. It’s hard but it IS necessary for long-term success. If Saturn were a bumper sticker, it would be Glennon Doyle’s quote, “We can do hard things”.

We got a preview of Saturn in Aquarius in action between March and July, 2020. If you cast your mind back, you’ll recall it was an incredibly intense time where we were forced to confront enormous injustice and flaws within established systems following the murder of George Floyd, and navigate a brave new world – working from home, isolation, Zooming for everything.

Aquarius energy is all about understanding things. Its natural MO is to analyse situations and systems, spot the flaws, and figure out a better way to do things. This is why it’s associated with rebels, activists and change makers.

This next three years with Saturn in Aquarius, we’ll be forced to get real about change. The past few years, particularly the past 12 months, have shown us very clearly where the critical flaws are. Saturn in Capricorn has revealed cracks in the foundations and shown us what old structures, institutions and authorities are well beyond their use-by date. The question now is, how do we build a better, more equitable system from the ground up? This is the work of Saturn in Aquarius.


What about on a personal level? Start by seeing where Saturn has been the past few years. If you know your chart and understand the houses, you can check out which house Capricorn falls in your chart to see where you’ve been getting a major reality check these past three years. Saturn isn’t subtle, so chances are you probably already have a pretty good idea.

Next, check where Aquarius falls to see where you’ll be doing some major up-levelling. Regardless of where it lands, Saturn in Aquarius will force you to consider new ways of doing things. It’s about living in alignment with your values – whether that’s moving somewhere regional so you can have a better work/life balance or having a complete career change.

ARIES RISING: Doing things differently with friends, co-workers and your community. This could be about making new friends who share your values or establishing a new way of connecting with your mates.

TAURUS RISING: Doing things differently with your career. This could be a complete career change so it is more aligned to your values, or taking a totally different approach to the way you see and value professional success in your life. Maybe it’s about taking the pressure off, not setting new goals, and work is just work.

GEMINI RISING: Doing things differently around your beliefs. This could manifest as a major spiritual awakening or getting involved in a new field of study completely outside your comfort zone. It can also be connected to higher learning and overseas travel. Enrolling in a (long) course is entirely likely.

CANCER RISING: Doing things differently around the way you share things. For you it’s all about how you share your resources, emotionally and financially. Maybe it’s having firmer boundaries or maybe you buy an investment property with a friend or family member or start a really strict saving plan so you can buy a property with your partner.

LEO RISING: Doing things differently in your partnerships. This applies to love and business relationships. Approaching your one-on-one relationships with fresh eyes and really reconsidering how you approach things so the terms of your connection reflect what you stand for. Getting the foundations right and having the hard conversations so you’re set for life.

VIRGO RISING: Doing things differently in your daily life. This is all about shaking up your everyday routine, thinking outside the box with how you navigate the daily grind and turning over a new leaf. Getting serious about your health or really committing to (intense) long-term fitness goals are possible outcomes.

LIBRA RISING: Doing things differently in your creative life. This is all about approaching the way you play – whether that is creative pursuits or just how you have fun. Approaching your creative life with a newfound discipline or getting serious about your art are possible manifestations.

SCORPIO RISING: Doing things differently in your home and family life. This could be a total rethink of where you live, how you live, the kind of home you live in. It can also manifest as rethinking your family structure.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Doing things differently in the way you communicate and learn. This could manifest as a desire to do some further study, retrain or learn a new language. Rethinking how you use your voice and how you express yourself online will be a major focus for the next few years.

CAPRICORN RISING: Doing things differently with your finances. This is all about rethinking your approach to money. Earning, spending, saving. It’s all up for review. Seeing a financial advisor or starting a new savings plan (and sticking to it) are all potential manifestations.

AQUARIUS RISING: Doing things differently around you! Saturn is moving through your first house which means you’ll be doing some major up-levelling on a very personal level. Is what you’re doing, projecting and how you’re moving through the world in alignment with your values?

PISCES RISING: Doing things differently around your mental health. This three-year period may be quieter and more introspective than usual. It’s a time for soul-searching, letting go of ideals and beliefs that are long-outdated and finding your why.



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