What this Scorpio season's eclipses mean for your starsign


Words: Georgina Sierra // @georginasierraastrology


I left my career in science before my midlife transits kicked off (around five years ago) to start my family. I was ready for something new. I’d been working with toxic chemicals and environments that were not good for my health.

At the beginning of 2022, I found my life purpose as a writer and astrologer. I felt comfortable in my skin for the first time in my life. But establishing myself in a new career wasn’t all smooth sailing. The life of a freelance writer brings dry spells, and as much as I showed that I was available, work wasn’t coming. So I decided to do what I do for my clients to myself. I gave myself an astrological reading.

The first eclipse season of the year back in May 2022 (first one in Taurus and second one in Scorpio), jolted me into realising I had to be true to myself and to who I was to others. That was when the dry spell started to end in slow Taurean fashion. Kindred spirits entered my life resulting in collaborations. Once I faced my lessons, the Universe let me graduate to the next level.


What themes are highlighted by the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses?

Now we will experience the same thing but in reverse. The solar eclipse in Scorpio on 25 October, 2022 will bring new beginnings. The Universe will steer us in new directions on a soul level around our power in life and relationships. It is about all those things that go unsaid such as taboo topics, sex, and death, especially from your past. The second eclipse of the season in Taurus brings an end to what started earlier this year. There is resolution around your finances and self-realisation.

 We have until mid-July 2023 to explore the Taurus-Scorpio nodal axis. If you have Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius rising, you will feel this eclipse stronger than most. For the rest of us, here are the areas of life you will feel this eclipse play out for you.

 As always read for your rising sign rather than your sun sign for the most accurate interpretation.

Your relationships are under the spotlight in the darkness and the light of the New Moon eclipse. Put your ego aside, and be honest with yourself and your other half. Lessons in how you value yourself and others will make you feel reborn.



 Work, health, and routines are in the spotlight. What you have been doing in the past doesn’t cut it anymore. It can be somewhat detrimental to your health. It is time to do things anew and find that balance between your work and your time. You will know when you have reached this equilibrium when you are sleeping better. And you will be sleeping better because you will finally understand who you are.



What creative outlet have you always wanted to do but never had the guts to? Is it pole dancing? Salsa dancing? Life drawing? This eclipse season falls into the creative and fun part of your life that you must explore with kindred spirits.



This eclipse will bring the exploration of family history. Is there a story about an ancestor or grandparent there is a story floating around? Do you want to find out more? It’s a good time to do so as it can reveal astrological DNA and patterns repeated in every generation. Don’t fear if the knowledge becomes well known. It probably was already out there.



Clear the air with your siblings, relatives, and acquaintances. It may also be a time when those conversations happen that have been waiting in the ethers. Watch for idle gossip but make sure the communication is honest. Have faith that it is time to resolve those past issues.



It is time to stop beating yourself up. You are known to be organised and want everything to be in its place. Be wary of being a perfectionist, as perfectionism is the fear of criticism. So what if you aren’t perfect? Who is? You are you! Embrace it and know you are loved. Get out there as you are perfect just as you are. Don’t give your power away to those that can’t see this.



This eclipse will bring soul searching during the witching hour. You may wake in a panic with that voice of truth in your head holding you accountable. You haven't done anything wrong, yet, you are invited to be your true self and true to your loved ones. Libra fears rocking the boat and tipping it off its equilibrium, worried about what others may think. Rock the boat to get your balance back.



With this New Moon in your sign, you will find that you come face to face with your ego, especially in your profession. It’s time to dissolve how much your ego rules your life. It’s time to connect with your higher self through meditative modes of your choosing.



Your standing in your community, groups, and teams that you are a part of will be the focus of this eclipse. Do you like what you are doing and what you are a part of? If so, that is awesome! If not, it is time to choose what makes you happy and allows you to have fun and be creative.



The focus is on your career and how you communicate with others in the workplace and your personal life. Your ruler Saturn is now direct so you will be more forthcoming with these advancements. It may be time to adopt or learn innovative skills that could be lucrative down the track.



Before this eclipse, the great teacher, Saturn, went into direct motion. The revisions have finished, and it's time for the new lessons. These lessons are about what you believe in, what you want to learn, and where you want to go. It is a time to think and get creative from the depths of your soul. Don’t be afraid to let in those closest to you through this process.



The solar eclipse in Scorpio invites you to face the taboo topics in your life. You may have hidden your head in the sand. That’s OK, but there’s a catch. With it being an eclipse, the Universe will force you to do so. And if you do, you will be rewarded with healing beyond comprehension and a renewed sense of self.



To find out more about Georgina’s work or to book a reading check out her website.