Horoscopes for November 2019
Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee
Image Hanna Postova // Unsplash
The biggest news in the skies this month is Mercury retrograde which kicks off 31 October until 20 November (US & Europe), 1 November until 21 November (Australia & NZ) – our final for the year. If your sun or rising sign is Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo or Taurus you’ll likely feel this retrograde more than others. While Mercury retrograde is famous for causing chaos with travel plans, electrical appliances, contracts and generally all kinds of miscellaneous eff-ups, there is a way to make the most of the energy.
This is perhaps the most potent of this year’s retrogrades for turning inward as Mercury moves through the master of watery introspection, deep healing and transformation: Scorpio. The first three weeks of the month have the potential to be like a long, cleansing soak for the soul. The “water” could be a little intense at first but it’s worth persevering with any discomfort – you’ll be so glad you did afterwards.
Harness the energy this month by taking time to reflect on where you might have been avoiding the truth or perhaps even lying to yourself about your true feelings. This is the time to do a psychological cull – tackle that metaphorical bottom drawer you’ve been stuffing emotional baggage into and see what you’ve been burying. It’s dirty work but Scorpio energy is arguably the most powerful for releasing and transmuting so dig deep and allow yourself to let go of the stuff you no longer need to carry.
In terms of dealing with other people, Mercury retrograde can complicate interactions – from making things hazy and unclear (remember the fog of Merc retrograde in March this year?) to putting people in a snappy mood. Unfortunately this retrograde has the potential for some fairly acerbic exchanges. Mercury in Scorpio puts a sting in communications; there will definitely be shots fired. With Mercury answering to Mars in Libra (which is fiery but not necessarily very direct), the likelihood for passive aggressive encounters is very high. Consider yourself warned.
On a lighter note, we are soaking up the last days of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Jupiter has been hanging out here since November last year, inviting you to expand your horizons, embrace new adventures, broaden your perspective (possibly through study or travel) and get out of your comfort zone. It’s been a nice antidote to some of the heavy weather we copped in 2019.
On the 27th, Jupiter moves into Capricorn which will bring a sombre change of mood (more serious and goal oriented) so November is the time to make the most of the fun-loving feels. Venus – which rules money, love, relationships and self-worth – is also hanging out in Sagittarius from the 2nd until the 27th giving Jupiter an extra hit of feel-good power particularly around the 18th so lap it up while the going is good! Despite the retrograde, November has the potential to be both a lot of fun and also deeply transformative. Enjoy!
– Emma xx
The focus is firmly on your relationship to power, sex and money for the first three weeks of this month with the sun and Mercury lighting up this part of your chart. The retrograde period invites you to consider how you assert yourself in relationships and how well you play with others when it comes to sharing all the tricky stuff – your body, your finances and personal power. Use the energy well and you could make major breakthroughs around these topics but beware these very same issues could cause tension. Expect a rush of inspiration and motivation up until the 27th around travel, learning and broadening you horizons but hold off booking major trips until after the 21st when Mercury goes direct.
As a fixed sign, the retrograde will hit you harder than others but the first three weeks offer an opportunity for deep healing and catharsis for your one-on-one relationships (think other halves, close friends and business partners). Take advantage by reflecting on what’s working and what’s not. If you’ve been trying to ignore some thing that isn’t working out, it will become painfully clearly this month. Hold off trying to confront the situation until the retrograde is over (20/21 November) and then capitalise on the good vibes of Venus and Jupiter lighting up the part of your chart governing shared resources to make a change before the 27th.
Don’t be surprised if issues arise that that could trigger tension around your health, work and daily routine for most of November. It will be hard but try to hold your tongue, and instead use conflict as a diagnostic tool that things need to change. If you take time to think about how you could approach things differently you could have some major breakthroughs. Meanwhile your closest relationships (think business partners, best mates, spouses) will be on fire for most of the month, peaking around November 18 so make the most of the good vibes and schedule time to hang with those nearest and dearest to you.
Events or people that cross your path this Scorpio season will have you pondering your relationship with creativity and fun. Maybe you need to lighten up, or maybe you’ve been having a little too much fun lately? Whatever it is, use the first three weeks of November to take time to consider on how you left off steam and what old patterns are acting as a roadblock to your creativity. With Jupiter and Venus hanging out together your day-to-day (work, health, daily grind) will get a burst of good vibes so capitalise on the friendly skies and celebrate the small victories wherever possible.
You might feel the full force of this retrograde – more so than other signs – but it will give you plenty of opportunity to reconsider how you “do you” behind closed doors. Things could feel tense at home you could get sucked in to family politics . In the face of friction ask yourself, ‘What is this trying to teach me?’ rather than ‘What the hell is wrong with them!’. If you can keep a cool head and resist the urge to get passive aggressive when best laid plans go awry, you could uncover some important home truths. Meanwhile your creative juices will be overflowing with Venus and Jupiter lighting up the part of your chart ruling your artistic expression so capitalise on the inspiration and make some magic!
This retrograde could make for some prickly exchanges with your siblings and extended family. Keep a cool head and resist the urge to snipe back when if things get frosty. Remember everyone is feeling this cosmic weather and it affects us all differently. This retrograde could also be particularly dicey for you in terms of technology and electrical gear so make sure you back up anything important – maybe twice for good measure! On the home front you’ll be feeling extra loved up and keen to nest and connect. Clear your schedule and enjoy the snuggly feels which should flow most of the month – peaking around 18th and winding up on the 27th.
In the words of fellow Libran, Snoop, you’ll have your mind on your money and your money on your mind this retrograde. If you’ve been burying your head in the sand around your cash situation, or selling yourself short, the first three weeks of the month will make it impossible to ignore any longer. Talking about money makes most of us wildly uncomfortable but if you take this time to reflect on what you need to change you’ll feel a tremendous sense of personal power. On the bright side you’ll be feeling extra outgoing, especially with siblings, extended family and people in your neighbourhood so if you’ve been thinking of a weekend away with the fam this is a great time to do it.
You’re not one to shy away from heavy, transformative soul work and the first three weeks promises potent energy to do just that. This retrograde is the perfect time to dig deep into existential matters – your identity, how others see you, how you present in the world. Expect to question to everything, from your hair colour to your soul’s purpose. Relationships could feel under pressure as you may be a little edgier than usual. Try not to get sucked into drama if you can avoid it. On the money front things are looking extra rosy, so you might feel extra generous or a little spendier than usual. If you’re trying to save, delete your favourite store EDMs as soon as they hit your inbox because you’ll be in the mood to spend.
This retrograde season will be pulling focus on some pretty heavy stuff for you this month. The first three weeks the sun and Mercury coast through the area of your chart related to everything unseen – your dreams, fears and intuition. You’re a social butterfly but the cosmic weather is just right for you to take some time out and spend a little alone time ahead of Sagittarius season which begins 24 November. Your ruling planet Jupiter is hanging out with Venus too, inspiring you to invest in yourself so make the most of the energy and treat yourself to some pampering, you’re worth it.
You’ll be feeling pensive the first three weeks of November especially when it comes to your friends. You may find events arise that have you questioning power dynamics within your social circle, or maybe just whether you’re satisfied with the give and take in your platonic relationships. It could be quite confronting, so take solace in the juicy Jupiter and Venusian vibes beckoning you to spend more time alone and take time for meditation and reflection.
You could find yourself questioning everything from your career trajectory to whether you’re even working in the right industry this month as Mercury retrograde shifts your inner focus to your professional life. Interactions at work could be tense or you might become preoccupied by a “what am I even doing here?” type questions. Don’t make any drastic decisions or sudden movements, just pay attention to what comes up for you and think about what you’d change or where you’d go if you’re really, brutally honest with yourself. It could feel like heavy weather but should be balanced out by lots of fun social activity. Take advantage of the party feels and plan plenty of time with friends who make you feel amazing.
If you’re going away this month make sure you triple check all your travel plans and confirm reservations. Mercury retrograde will have a particular focus on this area of your life, which is not to say things will go wrong but it’s certainly worth taking extra care to make sure things run smoothly. Likewise if you’re studying, make sure you take extra care with assignments and exam questions as there’ll be a greater chance you could misunderstand instructions. Work-wise everything is coming up roses with both Jupiter and Venus dancing through the area of your chart related to your professional life. Look out for new opportunities or job leads especially around the 18th of the month.