What the full moon in Sagittarius means for you
Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee
Image Karen Cantú Q // Unsplash
Sagittarius is all about adventure, expansion, freedom and taking a leap into the unknown. This moon is hanging out with Jupiter - the planet associated with luck, spirituality, learning and travel - giving it a little extra magic and sparkle. It will feel the most potent for people with Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini or Pisces sun signs and rising signs the most.
The full moon in Sagittarius this Monday (17 June) offers a break from the heaviness of the past few days. While you might have felt like you were pushing shit up hill or clashing with someone you just cannot reason with since late last week, today you’ll have a chance to step back from the drama and look at the bigger picture.
Jupiter has been in Sagittarius since last year, asking us to get clear on what unfamiliar territory we want to tackle. This could be anything from moving cities or countries to having a career change or going back to study. It’s the pipe dream that seems crazy but you just can’t get out of your head.
Cast your mind back to November 2018 and check in with any dreams you’ve had percolating to travel, learn or begin a new adventure. Full moon’s always bring added illumination so pay attention to any breakthroughs you have around what’s stopped you moving forward with your plans. Full moons are also about release, so whatever has been stopping you moving taking the leap, it’s time to kick it to the curb.
“If you have catch-ups planned, one drink could turn into five very easily until Sunday”
Use tonight as a reflection, and hold fire taking any sudden action until next week. There’s a tricky aspect playing out until next Sunday that could present opportunities that aren’t exactly as they seem. If something seems too good to be true this week it probably is. The other way this weather could manifest is a desire to check out or overindulge so beware if you have catch-ups planned, one drink could turn into five very easily until Sunday.
Mid-week until Saturday we’re copping one final round of conflict when Mars, the planet of war, aggression and confrontation goes head to head with Pluto, the planet of fear, power and transformation. Whatever issues you might have run into late last week could explode so be mindful everyone will be feeling a little edgy. It could feel like everyone is spoiling for a fight; don’t doubt the potential for things to escalate. Things will go from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds so don’t step up unless you’re prepared for an all-out brawl.