What the full moon in Pisces means for your star sign


Imagery Mathew Coyte // @mathewcoyte

Words Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee


This weekend (Saturday 14 September 14:23 AEST, 4:32 UK, 00:32 EST, Friday 13 September in the 9:32pm PST, ) we welcome a full moon in Pisces. This is a super potent moon for healing and release, maybe the juiciest we’ve had this year!

To find out how it will impact your star sign, check our the video below. I always recommend taking note of the horoscope for your rising sign rather than your sun sign if you know it (you can find out why it makes a difference in this article).


So far Virgo season has been seriously hectic, so this weekend is the time to connect with thoughts and feelings you’ve been too busy to deal with lately. If that all sounds a bit meta (or terrifying) check out my guided meditation for self-compassion. This is a meditation I use myself when I know I need to work through difficult emotions. I find it really helps soothe a sore heart.


A meditation to connect with difficult feelings and soothe pain. Based on loving kindness practices, its the perfect reflection for those looking to process hurt and release sadness especially around the full moon.


My hot tip? Expect lots of emotions! There will be tears, but trust they are necessary and probably long overdue. (Full disclosure: I have already been a snotty mess in the lead-up to this moon!) Run a bath, swim in the ocean, journal or get together with friends who make you feel safe and won’t judge an ugly cry.

If this month has been kicking your ass and you’re feeling super burnt out, know that the energy shifts significantly this weekend as planets start moving into Libra. The frenetic pace will subside and everything should feel a lot more harmonious, manageable and less anxious for the back half of the month. Check out your monthly horoscope to find out what Act Two of September looks like for you.


To learn more about HOW virgo season will AFFECT YOUR SIGN, CHECK OUT OUR HOROSCOPES or to book a reading with emma get in touch here