Horoscopes for April 2020
Words: Emma Vidgen // @emma_vee
Image Noah Silliman // Unsplash
When I looked at the astrology for 2020, words like “dramatic”, “disruptive”, “explosive” and “transformative” came to mind. But as is always the way with astrology, there’s no telling exactly how things will manifest. I certainly hoped it wouldn’t unfold quite so literally as it has. But, here we are.
This month has been the toughest horoscopes I’ve ever written. The fear, unpredictability and anxiety we’re all feeling is reflected in the skies. We are living through some incredibly trying times and as a Libra moon, I do NOT like being the bearer of bad news.
As you probably guessed from the image, April is a pretty intense month. The restrictive qualities of Saturn, intense fear and control of Pluto and frustration of Mars are palpable. Uranus, a planet synonymous with disruption and volatility is keeping us reeling in a state of mild “what-the-hell-will-happen-next” panic.
But we will get through it. If you’re privileged enough to be able to stay at home, reframing the time as an opportunity to be a little quieter and more reflective may help. We live at such a frenetic pace, this is an unprecedented chance to really reflect on WTF we are doing when we are muddling through life on autopilot.
Rather than dwelling on all that’s unavailable right now, consider all the things we take for granted. How will this period transform the way you approach life? What are you most grateful for? What are you dreaming of experiencing when the dust settles? Who will you hug? Where will you visit? What will you finally have a go at trying for the first time?
Wishing you peace and safety,
- Emma xx
It’s time to lean into all the natural fiery, courageous qualities you’re famous for this month and stay strong, especially during the first week which could feel especially tough. Fear of the unknown – especially in the context of your work – should peak around the 5th when Jupiter meets Pluto. After the 11th when Mercury shifts out of Pisces, improved clarity around communications should help lift your spirits. Taurus season brings renewed focus on money, and an invitation to get innovative your spending and saving.
Health: You may be feeling especially flat early in the month (peaking around the 3rd) with Mercury conjunct Neptune in the part of your chart ruling your subconscious. Try to surrender to what is and take solace in the fact you’ll begin to feel more like yourself from 12th (11th GMT) when Mercury moves into Aries.
Relationships: Book in hangouts via zoom or Skype to stay sane – with Mars and Saturn conjunct in your house of friends, the lack of social interaction will be causing you serious frustration. Time to get techy and find new ways to connect.
For you more than most, there’s a feeling of tightness and frustration around what’s happening with you on the job front right now. But one of your gifts is in finding magic in simplicity. The first few weeks of this month ask you to approach restrictions around your day to day life as a retreat. Draw on those superpowers to create rituals each day that bring you pleasure – whether its carving out time to listen to music, journal, bake or talk to your plants – now is the time to find joy in simplicity.
Relationships: The Mercury/Neptune conjunction on the 3rd will bring a hazy confusion to the realm of friendships. Misunderstandings and confusion could be an issue, but should clear up by the 12th when Mercury shifts into Aries.
Health: A series of intense aspects between the sun, moon, Uranus and Saturn could have you feeling rattled between 21 and 23 April. Be gentle with yourself and remember this too shall pass.
You’re a social creature, and with the sun shining in the part of your chart concerned with friends this month, making time to catch up with your crew online is a necessity. The frustration of being cooped up will be making you feel especially frustrated – potentially made worse by having to cancel upcoming trips (thanks to Mars conjunct Saturn in your ninth house).
Relationships: If you’re in a relationship, fears around cash could cause a lot of anxiety, especially around the 25 April when Mercury squares Jupiter and Pluto.
Health: Schedule extra time for self-care towards the end of the month when frustration could spiral into anger and volatility, especially around the new moon on 23 April. Take the time to refine your grounding practices before the new moon rolls around so you’re ready for the big feels when they hit.
You’re hard-wired to handle mandatory home time better than most, but that’s not to say it’s a piece of cake. Mars and Saturn are stirring up plenty of anxiety around your shared resources (think: business ventures, joint finances, property etc) especially in the first week of the month, while Jupiter and Pluto offer potentially explosive exchanges with your significant other (peaking around 5 April).
Relationship advice: The full moon in Libra on the 8th April has the potential to be especially salty thanks to Mars squaring Uranus on the same day. Be mindful of fights around your working from home arrangements which could cause serious dramas.
Health: With Venus hanging out in your 12th house for the foreseeable future, finding a sense of connection whilst maintaining your distance is key. Consider joining an online meditation group to help manage anxiety.
The struggles of being at home with a partner will hit you harder than most with Mars and Saturn providing tension in the part of your chart ruling your intimate relationships. Take solace in the knowledge it will get easier, with Mars scooting past Saturn and alleviating *some* of the tension as the month rolls on.
Relationships advice: Venus is in Gemini in your house of friends, so take the lead and tee up online lunch dates with your mates. Being the conduit to social get-togethers will be your key to survival tip this month.
Health: With Jupiter and Pluto hanging out together in the sixth house (ruling your health) the propensity to get obsessive over the “what-ifs” will be strong. Be mindful the tendency to panic is there – awareness alone can go a long way to staying grounded. Channel that extra mental energy into something healthy and throw yourself into a new workout schedule online.
Generally speaking, Virgos like to stay well and stick to a routine. Global emergencies aren’t exactly conducive to tight schedules, and with Mars and Saturn hanging out in your sixth house (ruling health and routine), the frustration you’re feeling will be extra intense.
Relationships: A lack of clarity, maybe even a sense of disillusionment, could be an issue early on in the month (especially around 3 April) when Mercury meets Neptune in your seventh house of relationships. Things should ease after the 11th April when Mercury moves into Aries, bringing a refreshed perspective and clarity.
Health: The period around the new moon (between 21–23 April) could feel unsteady and gloomy when the sun, moon and Uranus square Saturn. Don’t let the frustration you’re feeling around the loss of predictability fester or deplete your resolve to create new routines. Prioritise routine and schedule plenty time to move and breathe.
The start of the month will feel extra tense with a slew of heavy planetary energy stirring up drama, manifesting mostly at home and in your relationship. It peaks around 8 April with the Libra full moon triggering potentially explosive interactions with your partner. Kids (if you have them) could be extra fractious around this time too (thanks to Mars in your house of children squaring Uranus), so prepare for a potentially irritable 24 hours.
Relationships: The first of this year’s three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions on April 5 evokes plenty of big emotions especially in the context of home and family. Allow yourself the space to ride the waves and use all the tools you have to stay grounded – like all transits, this too will pass.
Health: If you’ve been feeling lethargic, flat or a bit down, take some comfort in the knowledge those feeling should peak around April 3 when Mercury meets Neptune in the part of your chart governing health. After 12 (11th GMT) April when Mercury moves into Aries, you should begin to feel a little clearer headed.
The intensity of the current state of affairs will be manifesting in major frustrations at home and/or within your family. Not the greatest news when you’re working from home. Tread carefully, and if you don’t, be prepared for fireworks.
Relationships: A series of face-offs between Mars, Saturn and Uranus will trigger tensions with potentially explosive results. The first on the full moon on the 8th, then again on the 23rd at the Taurus new moon. The mood will be especially salty so don’t be surprised when things to escalate quickly.
Health: If you’ve been feeling blah, Mercury’s move into Aries (which rules your health and daily routine) should lift your energy levels and mood. Capitalise on the energy burst and get moving at home.
Anxiety around cash is major for most of us, but for Sagittarius (and Sag rising) it’s at an all-time high with Jupiter and Pluto stirring up serious fears in your second house (representing your finances). The freakout will peak around 5 April, when the two planets meet up but should start to feel a little easier from 19th. When you feel yourself spiral, come back to your breath and ground yourself in whichever way feels best – meditation, movement or phone a friend.
Relationships: A full moon in Libra on 8 April could have you feeling extra social. Schedule in some online hangouts, but be gentle with your words. With Mars in your house of communications squaring Uranus the same day, there is the potential for interactions to get a little salty.
Health: Your cabin fever could reach a climax around the new moon in Taurus on the 23rd (thanks to an opposition to Saturn and conjunction to Uranus). If regulations allow, plan an extra scenic walk or schedule time for extra self-care. This is a pressure point in the month so be gentle.
You’re better equipped than most to handle restrictions so if you’re feeling antsy, just imagine how rule-adverse signs like Aquarius are feeling! Finances might have already taken a hit (with Mars and Saturn meeting up in your house of money around 31 March – 1 April), but at least your anxiety may stabilised (with Mars no longer in the first house). We have a tough month ahead, but endurance and resilience are your super powers. You’ve got this!
Relationships: There’s potential for big emotional breakthroughs (or potentially blow-ups) when the moon (which rules your house of relationships) meets up with Pluto on 15 April; it’s up to you which way it goes.
Health: With Venus sashaying through the area of your chart concerned with health, you might be feeling inspired to get active with a group online. Tap the energy and sign up to do a dance or yoga class via video with a friend.
With Mars and Saturn both hanging out in your first house (synonymous with sense of self) the struggle is REAL for you this month dear Aquarius. You love your freedom, so having your wings clipped really hurts. Spending time with friends is the number one way to help keep you feeling grounded and sane. Try and approach your calendar like you normally would. Got a free Saturday night? Plan a hangout online.
Relationships: Tensions run high at home this month. First on the 8th when Mars squares Uranus, then again around the 23rd (when Saturn squares the sun, moon and Uranus). The potential for things to get volatile is high; proceed with caution.
Health: Your biggest challenge will be learning to sit with the uncertainty. For a future-focussed sign, that’s no easy feat. Time to draw on every self-care skill in your toolbox to make it through the month. When the moon (which rules your house of health) moves through Capricorn (13 –14 April) you might feel especially flat. Remember this too shall pass.
The energy this month is heavy and for empathic souls like yourself, it can feel especially intense. With Mars and Saturn in your 12th house (representing your subconscious), anxiety and lethargy could be at an all-time high. Working with a gratitude practice could be a useful way to stay grounded.
Relationships: With Venus in Gemini ruling your relationship sector, your need to connect and share how you feel will be strong. Talking, writing and journaling will be especially powerful ways to process at the moment.
Health: You may feel particularly melancholy between the 21– 23 April when Saturn squares the sun, moon and Uranus. Make a zoom date with friends, get some sunshine or have a bath and allow yourself space to feel all the feelings.